contact us

To reach the dorks, write to:

pantswarrior: geekbunny at gmail dot com
akatonbo: akatonbo at gmail dot com
Dorkariffic: dorks at dorkariffic dot net

We trust that any human beings reading this page can make working email addresses out of the above, since mailto links just invite address harvesting by spambots. Please keep your emails polite, use reasonably correct English, and try to give a little thought to what you're saying before you send it.

You may also be able to find us in other places:





This site is a repository for fanworks created by pantswarrior and akatonbo, aka Dorkariffic. All source material belongs to its respective creators, and we intend no claim on it, but the fanworks themselves are ours. Don't go claiming they're yours, and don't archive them elsewhere without permission.